2022 4th International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering (ICEMME 2022)


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Yu-Dong Zhang - IEEE Senior Member 

joined ICEMME 2022 as the Keynote Speaker

Prof. Yudong Zhang worked as a postdoc from 2010 to 2012 with Columbia University, USA, and as an Assistant Research Scientist from 2012 to 2013 with the Research Foundation of Mental Hygiene, USA. He served as a Full Professor from 2013 to 2017 with Nanjing Normal University. Now he serves as a professor at the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, UK. His research interests include deep learning and medical image analysis. 

He is the Fellow of IET, Fellow of EAI, and Fellow of BCS. He is the Senior Member of IEEE, IES, and ACM. He is the Distinguished Speaker of ACM. He was the 2019 & 2021 recipient of Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate. He has (co)authored over 400 peer-reviewed articles in the journals: JAMA Psychiatry, Inf Fus, IEEE TFS, IEEE TII, IEEE TIP, IEEE TMI, IEEE IoTJ, Neural Networks, IEEE TITS, Pattern Recognition, IEEE TGRS, IEEE JBHI, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TETCI, IEEE TCSS, IEEE JSTARS, IEEE TNSRE, IEEE SJ, ACM TKDD, ACM TOMM, IEEE/ACM TCBB, IEEE TCAS-II, IEEE JTEHM, ACM TMIS, etc. There are more than 50 ESI Highly Cited Papers and 5 ESI Hot Papers in his (co)authored publications. 

His citation reached 21670 in Google Scholar (h-index 82). He has conducted many successful industrial projects and academic grants from NIH, Royal Society, GCRF, EPSRC, MRC, Hope, British Council, and NSFC. He has served as (Co-)Chair for more than 60 international conferences and workshops. More than 50 news presses have reported his research outputs, such as Reuters, BBC, Telegraph, Physics World, UK Today News, etc.